This is a fun post! I hung out w the fam and some good friends, Randy and Lisa yesterday and they took us out fishing for calamari! Mmmm ... we were told this was a crazy good time to go out for them, like hundreds were being caught!!! .... but we musta missed that boat!! haha only a handful were caught and mi padre caught a big one!
The poles that would hopefully bring in some good squid! Only one would succeed...
Mama starting to get pumped up, and warmed up!

And then there was Randys catch of the day .... hahaha he was not too stoked about it ....

Now it was time to chop up this sucke! You have to cut your squid before you leave the boat, but that was no problem! Watching this pro cut up this guy was crazy! So quick with a knife its scary!!!
Time to bag it and take it home! mmm calamari steaks here we come!!

why do you have to cut them before you leave the boat? how much did that sucker weight? He looks huge! I hear CA has been having some HUGE ones!